H.E Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi, Administrative Deputy Prime Minister, met with a group of elders and influential figures from Khajah Dukoh District, Jawzjan Province

H.E Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi, Administrative Deputy Prime Minister, met with a group of elders and influential figures from Khajah Dukoh District, Jawzjan Province

At the beginning, they provided information regarding social, economic and security situation in Khwaja Dukoh District.
They said that the Mujahideen and local officials of the Islamic Emirate continuously strive to ensure security, serve the people and address their difficulties. Elders and influential figures of Khwaja Dukoh District while reminding the achievements of the IEA, urged special attention to be paid to addressing the water shortage, establishing schools and health clinics, and reconstruction of roads in the aforementioned district.
H.E Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi while welcoming them, said that ensuring security, bringing social welfare and serving the people are the responsibilities of Islamic Emirate.
While referring, the presented demands, Administrative Deputy Prime Minister said that the IEA will deeply consider the proposals and take necessary measures.