The UN Report on Security Incidents in Afghanistan is Forgery and Biased

The UN Report on Security Incidents in Afghanistan is Forgery and Biased

According to the recent report of the United Nations, security incidents have increased by 37 percent this year compared to the last year.

Going through the details of the incidents, most of which are incidents that the security forces have had with drug dealers.

Instead of praising the successful operation against drug dealers by the security forces of the Islamic Emirate, it has unfortunately been misinterpreted to portray Afghanistan as an unsafe and insecure country.

While the brave and courageous security forces of the Islamic Emirate are fighting against corruptors, robbers, kidnappers, smugglers and gangsters in different parts of the country every day, and compared to the last year, there has been positive changes and the level incidents decreased significantly. 

Last year, due to the rapid fight against drugs, about 14,000 smugglers were arrested and handed over to the courts, and more than 5,500 tons of drugs were destroyed. More than 1200 drug factories have been destroyed and 15,300 hectares of land have been cleared of poppy cultivation. 

Considering the above, this clearly shows that how the United Nations is diverting the mentality of our people by misinterpreting positives into negatives.

It is noteworthy, that such action is carried out at the request of some specific intelligence agencies and groups that are trying unsuccessfully to put pressure on the Islamic Emirate.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan considers this report suspicious and incorrect, and calls it a misuse from the name and title of the United Nations. 

Office of the Spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

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۱۷/۱۲/۱۴۰۲هـ ش ــ 2024/3/7 م