The Administrative Deputy of Prime Minister, H.E. Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi, met with a group of Ulemas and influential figures of Paktika Province.

The Administrative Deputy of Prime Minister, H.E. Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi, met with a group of Ulemas and influential figures of Paktika Province.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ulemas and influential figures provided information regarding the social, economic, and security situation of Paktika Province. They added that security fully prevailed in Paktika Province as a result of the dedication and efforts of the officials of the Islamic Emirate. Ulemas and influential figures of Paktika Province also raised the issues of educational centers, health clinics, transportation, and development affairs and urged the officials of the Islamic Emirate to pay special attention in this regard.
H.E. Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi, while welcoming them, added that providing security, bringing welfare, and serving people in various fields are the duties of the Islamic Emirate. Officials in charge would not spare any effort in this regard.
While referring to the presented proposals, H.E. Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi added that the Islamic Emirate will take the proposals into deep consideration within available resources.